Realtor Specific Safety – Group Training

COBRA of Savannah 54 W Montgomery Crossroads #3, Savannah, GA, United States

Real Estate Agents are the ultimate soft targets! Thanks to social media, a criminal already knows a lot about you. In teaching safety to real estate agents, we have discovered that while offices have safety ...more


Parent/Child Bully Response Action Plan Workshop

COBRA of Savannah 54 W Montgomery Crossroads #3, Savannah, GA, United States

Zero tolerance is the approach you have to take when it comes to bullying and your child. This is a must. There is no way around it. There are no half efforts here. What  starts ...more


Active Shooter Response Plan

COBRA of Savannah 54 W Montgomery Crossroads #3, Savannah, GA, United States

The Active Shooter Response Plan is NOT a PowerPoint presentation! It’s a night of interactive, reality based drills and scenarios. We get as close to a real world situation as possible. When Survival is your ...more


COBRA Power Class

COBRA of Savannah 54 W Montgomery Crossroads #3, Savannah, GA, United States

  You are invited to join us for a Free C.O.B.R.A. Power Class. Let us share with you some simple and effective techniques.... You don’t know, what you don’t know.             ...more


Teen Safety Workshop

COBRA of Savannah 54 W Montgomery Crossroads #3, Savannah, GA, United States

    C.O.B.R.A.’s  Teen Safety workshop is not the typical "kick em’ in the groin" class. We teach practical, everyday ways to protect yourself using weapons you already have! It's fun and exciting! Your teenager ...more


Ladies Night Out Self Defense Workshop

COBRA of Savannah 54 W Montgomery Crossroads #3, Savannah, GA, United States

  After participating in our C.O.B.R.A  -1.5 hour long “women only”self-defense workshop you can be confident in the techniques you’ve learned. Everything taught is practical, simple and very effective. 90% of self-defense is above the ...more


10 week Academy

C.O.B.R.A is Reality based training. It’s a police academy for civilians. ‘The academy is a 10 week course with training 2 days per week 1 hour each session. We teach tactical, practical simple techniques to ...more


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